Ken is a task management bot designed to help you organize your tasks, set deadlines, and manage events efficiently.
Manage your tasks effectively with features that allow you to add, delete, mark as done, and list all tasks.
Easily find specific tasks using keywords.
Get reminders for tasks that are due soon.
- Add a ToDo taskAdds a ToDo task to the list.
Example of usage:
todo Read book
Expected outcome:
A ToDo task with the given description is added.
Got it. I've added this task:
[T][ ] Read book
- Add a Deadline taskAdds a Deadline task with a due date.
Example of usage:
deadline Submit assignment /by 2023-09-20
Expected outcome:
A Deadline task with the given description and due date is added.
Got it. I've added this task:
[D][ ] Submit assignment (by: Sep 20 2023)
- Add an Event taskAdds an Event task with a start and end time.
Example of usage:
event Team meeting /from 2023-09-19 /to 2023-09-20
Expected outcome:
An Event task with the given description, start time, and end time is added.
Got it. I've added this task:
[E][ ] Team meeting (from: Sep 20 2023 to: Sep 20 2023)
- List all tasksLists all the tasks you currently have (can be used to search for a task at a specific date).
Example of usage:
Expected outcome:
A list of all tasks, along with their status.
1.[T][X] Read book
2.[D][ ] Submit assignment (by: Sep 20 2023)
Example of usage with date:
list 2023-09-20
Expected outcome:
A list of all tasks, along with their statuses, is displayed.
Here is what I found:
1.[D][ ] Submit assignment (by: Sep 20 2023)
- Mark task as doneMarks a specified task as done.
Example of usage:
mark 1
Expected outcome:
The task at index 1 will be marked as done.
Nice! I've marked this task as done:
[T][X] Read book
- Mark task as not doneUnmarks a specified task.
Example of usage:
unmark 1
Expected outcome:
The task at index 1 will be marked as not done.
I've unmarked this task:
[T][ ] Read book
- Delete a taskDeletes a task from the list based on its index.
Example of usage:
delete 1
Expected outcome:
The task at index 1 will be removed from the task list.
Noted. I've removed this task:
[T][X] Read book
- Find tasks by keywordFinds and lists all tasks that contain the given keyword.
Example of usage:
find book
Expected outcome:
All tasks containing the keyword “book” will be listed.
Here are the tasks that contains the keyword: book
1.[T][X] Read book
- Show upcoming tasksShows tasks that are due soon.
Example of usage:
Expected outcome:
A list of tasks that are due soon is displayed.
Here are your upcoming tasks:
1.[D][ ] Submit assignment (by: 2023-09-20)
- Exit the programExits the program safely, saving all your tasks.
Example of usage:
Expected outcome:
The program exits.